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OpenAI-Compatible Endpoints

To call models hosted behind an openai proxy, make 2 changes:

  1. Put openai/ in front of your model name, so litellm knows you're trying to call an openai-compatible endpoint.

  2. Do NOT add anything additional to the base url e.g. /v1/embedding. LiteLLM uses the openai-client to make these calls, and that automatically adds the relevant endpoints.

Usage - completion​

import litellm
import os

response = litellm.completion(
model="openai/mistral, # add `openai/` prefix to model so litellm knows to route to OpenAI
api_key="sk-1234", # api key to your openai compatible endpoint
api_base="", # set API Base of your Custom OpenAI Endpoint
"role": "user",
"content": "Hey, how's it going?",

Usage - embedding​

import litellm
import os

response = litellm.embedding(
model="openai/GPT-J", # add `openai/` prefix to model so litellm knows to route to OpenAI
api_key="sk-1234", # api key to your openai compatible endpoint
api_base="", # set API Base of your Custom OpenAI Endpoint
input=["good morning from litellm"]